Jett is one strong, little boy! Over the past three weeks, his job was to eat and grow...and poop too! He has had a difficult time figuring out how to suck, swallow, and breathe all at the same time, but is now completely able to do it on his own. He pulled his own tube out of his nose and they just decided they might as well leave it out. He really is adorable, but even more with that tube off of his face.
We have a few more steps to climb before they kick us out, but we're on our way. Joel and I would really like to say "THANK YOU" to our friends and family. Without you helping us through Jett's difficult journey, we wouldn't have made it! From your kind words, to prepared meals, to giftcards, and just texting your thoughts, it has all been very powerful and humbling. You are all amazing and I hope you all get to watch Jett be the best he can be!
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