After a long three weeks, our time at REX will soon be ending. It is truly bittersweet. I think Joel and I are both ready to bring Jett home. It's obvious from my lack of posts that we are not as connected to REX as we were to Duke. I'm not sure if that's because we're just exhausted or if we know that we will all be home soon. I have to say that I feel disconnected from almost everything. We are both tired.
The nurses at REX are very sweet, and they seem to love Jett. I'm not sure we'll ever be able to explain the fast track friendships we developed at Duke. Jett has a lot of people that love him and that has been very evident thus far.
I am not going to lie though, the drive from home to REX and back is much closer and very short. With such a programmed daily excursion to Durham and back, I cannot remember the month of April. I know that I've probably blocked a lot out, and for good reason. It's very nice to be able to park for free, drive home in ten minutes, and have our own room. My guess is that this Wednesday or Thursday, we'll be making that drive with our little boy!
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