Sunday, May 30, 2010

Our Journey home

On Monday, May24th, Jett's doctor came in to his room and said, "Remember when I told you that his light bulb would go off and he would be on the fast track to going home?"...."The time has come, your departure should be Wednesday!"

After she gave me the news, the day flew by. All I could think of was, "Our house isn't ready!" I left the hospital to get a move on. Joel worked that day, but would be off for the next week. He came home after work and got busy cleaning, disinfecting, and preparing with me.

In all of the chaos, there was a sense of relief. After almost three months in two hospitals, we finally get to experience what bringing a new baby home feels like. There are no words to describe the feeling of having a baby and leaving him at the hospital.

Tuesday, his checklist was being completed. His circumcision (which by the way really opened the doors to pain for he cries), his vaccines, nutrition instruction, and final exams took place very quickly. Jett was ready to go!

Anticipating this week's events, Jett's Uncle Mac came by to help me install the carseat and give us the stroller that Dexter has already outgrown.

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