Thursday, February 7, 2013

It's Feb.6th, 2013 and Joel and I are expecting and as of today, I am 19wks and 5 days pregnant with our second.  Our high-risk obgyn did an ultrasound yesterday and decided to put me on modified bed rest for one week.  I am praying that it will truly be only one week because I have a class that I love and a toddler that needs his mommy!  It has taken me back though, and I wanted to share our first journey with people we love.   Please visit the sidebar to the right to read from the beginning, March 2010.  Below is the very first day of Jett's 'too early' journey....

March 11, 2010...My water broke on Thursday night completely out of the blue. I had just gone to the doctor that afternoon for my glucose test and left the office with great news and feeling great! Joel and I went home, cooked some dinner, I had my nightly ice cream treat and while flipping channels between the Georgia Tech game and Idol, a sudden rush of water happened! I had no pain, just confusion. We called the doctor and she said I needed to go to the hospital.

When arriving at Rex, we were told the baby was coming! Obviously not what we've planned, it was a scary night and we had to move fast. Once there, they realized that I wasn't dilated at all but assumed labor would begin in the next 48 hours so they began monitoring me and the baby. They pumped us full of antibiotic IVs because the risk of infection was their first concern. They also gave us a steroid to help his lungs to develop. At 27 weeks, he's obviously wasn't ready yet. But, the good news was that he wasn't going anywhere.

Since Rex is only a Level 2 nursery, they wanted to transport me right away to a Level 3. We traveled by ambulance shortly after to Duke Women's Hospital. We arrived at 1am Fri morning, they assessed me again and moved me to Labor and Delivery at 5am. After two hours of sleep, my internal alarm clock woke me up for school. Needless to say, it was a long night.


  1. Congrats on the new baby! I hope the one week of modified bed rest gives your doctors the results they are looking for.

    I can't remember how I originally linked to your blog, but we were at REX at the same time.

  2. You're story is so inspirational and I enjoy reading your blog. You are such a wonderful mother! Thanks for sharing!
